Wednesday, April 11, 2018

REMINDER: Rehearsal Supplies


As stated early on, the expectation is that each actor have:

1.  A dedicated notebook (3 ring binder preferred)
2.  Plenty of blank paper
3.  Multiple pencils / erasers
4.  Script
5.  Highlighter

I also suggest always coming to rehearsal with:

1.  Water bottle with water already in it 
2.  A healthy, protein rich snack
3.  Cough drops / lozenges (in the event you are dealing with a cold - or sudden onset of symptoms)
4.  Pain relievers (Tylenol, Advil, etc - if parents allow you this medication for unforeseen headaches, etc.)
5.  Hand sanitizer (great for quick germ killing when you can't get to a sink to properly wash hands; also good on the feet to kill sweat/odor for barefoot rehearsals)
6.  Extra deodorant (for, you know...)
7.  Gum / Mints / Mouthwash (when you can't get to a sink to brush your teeth so as to be respectful when breathing in your peers' faces on stage)

We have not had one rehearsal without an actor forgetting a script, a pencil, or paper.  Actors have also come in with nothing to drink.

I hold the belief that taking time for proper organization and good rehearsal practices will always translate to a better show and a more enjoyable experience overall.  You may disagree...but in this production, you will all do it my way.  :)

Consider this a friendly reminder.  The next one?  Not so friendly.  


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