Monday, April 30, 2018

When V&V Collides with NW14

I am wearing many hats today as I intersect with Lincoln students both as the New Works Co-Founder / Director - but also as the lead instructor for Visions and Voices Playwriting at Portland Center Stage. The playwrights for this year's V&V class were incredibly passionate - and there is always an abundance of writing talent at Lincoln - especially given Jim Peerenboom's vigorous commitment to new play development and playwriting instruction through both New Works and the V&V Residencies.

Today is "Playwrights Cast Announcement" day for the Visions and Voices Showcase - to be performed at PCS on May 22 and 23 (5/23 for Lincoln). Lincoln had numerous finalists, all of whom were very excited to be on that "Playwriting Call Back List".

So it is inevitable that when the 4 Lincoln writers who made it in are announced...there will be some bruises to tend to - and some wounds to lick. Know that the process was done very systematically with a 4 person scoring panel.

It is critical that this announcement not negatively impact those involved in New Works. I'll be honest...I loathe the timing. So...please do your best to compartmentalize should the announcement elicit a reaction, either positive or negative.

And be gracious.
And have gratitude for all opportunities...
...when everything works out...
...and even when it doesn't.


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