Thursday, April 26, 2018

RE: Crew Confusion...

The crew has been working quite hard alongside Becca and Kyra; things are starting to really come together.

A complaint was made regarding crew scheduling, and is seems there was some confusion.  So let me be clear.

On a few days - particularly for lighting, the crew was called 15 minutes prior to the actors being let out.  This was deliberate.  It's a buffer.  I exercise the overlap with almost all shows - both professional and student driven.  Sometimes actors are done early and so it allows the cross over to be swift and for crew to begin right away.  If not, the crew has the opportunity to gather, discuss a plan with Kyra or Becca (if necessary) and then when doors open, they can jump into work.  It's a time for discussion and planning if necessary - or, if rehearsal lets out - they can jump in.  

We're at that point in the process where we all need to be flexible.  I have mentioned this to actors, to parents, and to crew in all the meetings - that when we hit load-in / tech prep / tech / dress / runs...we all have to have a little wiggle room with regard to time. As organized as I try to be, theatre is not an exact science.  Much is unknown until it happens.  And really...this issue is over 15 minutes or so... So... :)

I hope this clears things up and that the crew understands how valuable you are, have been, and will be!  Thanks for your flexibility.

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