Wednesday, April 25, 2018

For Blank...

Blank Cast:

After assessing my notes, I felt it would be better to look at today's rehearsal and see what progress is made on lines and on "creating the reality and world" of the play.  Most of my notes were related to that; it really is the "root problem" facing this piece right now.

So today - please do everything to keep the subtext running...there should be major inner monologues, considerations, fears, hopes, etc...playing in the characters' minds the entire time.  And the photos should set off major worry about the potential for Piper to self harm.  You need to determine what the back-story is for Piper - and how that affected each of them.  

Come in today, ready to transform this piece into the psychological thriller it is - instead of a cartoon caper out of Scooby-Doo.  No - it's not that bad!  HA!  But that IS the danger...

Looking forward to it.

PS:  The image above is how the show should "feel"...

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