Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Actor Rehearsal Schedule 4/23 - 4/27

NW14:  EYE to EYE
Actor Rehearsal Schedule
4/23 - 4/27
(all schedules subject to change)

To download, click HERE.

M 4/23
3:30p - 5:00p
Full Company - All Plays
Costume Parade*

5:00p - 6:55p
Devising Ensemble

*NOTE:  Immediately after school, come to the dressing rooms to get into costumes per the crew’s instruction.  As you do so, do not comment on your costume; do not make judgments; just  wear it and be ready to model it for us.

T 4/24
3:45p - 5:00p*
Devising Ensemble / Revisions / Spectral / B2

5:00p - 6:55p
Kit-Kat / Blank

*NOTE:  For this rehearsal, only the Devising Ensemble will be on stage.  The other actors will do focused line-throughs (with full actor intent - NOT just reciting).

W 4/25
3:45p - 4:15p

4:15p - 6:15p
Spectral / B2

6:15p - 7:30p
Devising Ensemble

TH 4/26
3:45p - 7:30p
Full Company - All Plays

F 4/27

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