Monday, April 16, 2018


All actors need to look at ALL of the mood boards for NW14.  Click HERE.

Jim Peerenboom and the costume crew are looking to see how many items may be borrowed from our collective wardrobes. Costumers should be emailing you to talk about this - or may be dropping in before or after your rehearsals to check in with you.  But on your own, please be proactive:

1.  Look and see if you have items that might work for a particular play, NOT FOR JUST YOUR CHARACTER.

2.  If so, make sure you are willing to drop it off and leave it at Lincoln from Friday 4/20 until after the show closes.  Yes - this coming Friday.  On 4/21-4/22, major shopping will be done, so we need an accurate inventory.  So bring it in soon if you have it.  And know you will not get it back for a few weeks.

3.  Though great care will be taken not to damage anything borrowed, this will be a "loan at your own risk" situation.  So please, don't loan out your favorite item of clothing that has immense sentimental value.

Please email Jim Peerenboom or talk to him at school if you have questions. 

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