Sunday, April 22, 2018


After carful assessment of last week's progress, it's become evident that a fairly major reworking of this coming week's schedule is necessary if we are to be ready for tech weekend, beginning on 4/28.

I apologize if these changes cause inconvenience.  But I do expect all to make the adjustment without exception - to be on time, to be ready to work, to have a positive attitude, to be fully motivated.  

This is the point in the process when all need to be "on call" for any changes and be ready to jump in and drive the show forward.

I'm excited to see the production start to come into focus.  And I'm proud of the hard work you have done already...and excited to see how you now elevate even further your commitment to excellence.

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NW14:  EYE to EYE
Actor Rehearsal Schedule
4/23 - 4/27 (UPDATED 4/22/18)
(all schedules subject to change)

M 4/23
3:30p CALL*
Full Company - All Plays

3:30p - 4:30p

4:30p - 6:55p
Devising Ensemble

*NOTE:  Immediately after school, all actors (except those in Spectral  who will be on stage) come to the dressing rooms to get into costumes per the crew’s instruction.  As you do so, do not comment on your costume; do not make judgments; just wear it and be ready to model it for us.  Pictures will be taken of you for director assessment.  At 4:30p, the cast of Spectral will go to the dressing rooms for their fittings / pictures and the Devising Ensemble will come to the stage.

T 4/24
3:30p - 4:15p

4:15p - 5:15p
Devising Ensemble

5:15p - 6:55p
Blank / B2

W 4/25
3:45p - 4:15p

4:15p - 5:00p

5:00p - 6:30p
Spectral / B2

6:30p - 8:00p
Devising Ensemble

TH 4/26
3:45p - 7:30p
Full Company - All Plays

F 4/27

*Be prepared to come after school for costume fittings per Jim Peerenboom’s request.

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