Friday, April 27, 2018

RE: Tech and Patience

I was going to attempt to stagger calls a bit over the weekend as I sincerely do try and honor everyone's time as best I can.  However, there are so many unknowns, it's become clear that if I put forth a staggered schedule, I'll likely have to keep changing it as new issues arise and others go away.  There are too many unpredictable factors.

So...the tech calls for this weekend remain as scheduled.  Here they are again:

SA 4/28:  9:00 - 10:00p*
SU 4/29:  10:00a - 10:00p^

SA 4/28:  2:00p - 10:00p*
SU 4/29:  10:00a - 10:00p^

*Lunch 1:00p - 2:00p / Dinner 6:00p - 6:30p
^Lunch 1:00p - 1:30p / Dinner 5:30p - 6:00p
(Food is being brought in)

1.  The crew time in the morning must be largely spent on getting everything ready for actors.  All props on tables / labeled / in the right places, cables taped down, all "junk" put away or stored, etc. The space must be barefoot proof off stage and on, so that means assessing the entire auditorium.  You will need to borrow a vacuum.  When I walk in at 1:30p, I expect a space that can be licked it's so clean and organized.   

2.  Many of you will sit around for hours not on stage.  Given there are always new notes and so, so many lines to keep solidifying, your downtime needs to be spent working on your own.  Use this time wisely. There will be NO EXCUSE for anyone to arrive onto that stage without having made progress on memorization.  If I witness you socializing instead of working with your cast, I assume you are perfect.  :)

3.  I am fine with actors sneaking in to watch the tech process so long as you are never on your phone, that you are quiet, when entering / exiting, you are sensitive to timing.

4.  If cast / crew members feel really prepared, you must also consider homework.  Please bring your work so that you stay on top of your obligations.

5.  And of course, enjoy hanging out with your fellow artists.  This is a great weekend for everyone - cast and crew alike - to come together as one company.

6.  Remember:  assume others have good intentions.  Frustrations will rise and fall throughout the process - this is not the time to be "sensitive".  Let things roll off your back and know that everyone is simply trying to do their jobs.  That said, if you are really feeling mistreated, always let Lydia, Jim, or me know.

7.  Find a single place for your things and keep them there.  DO NOT SPREAD OUT.  One location - in a dressing room preferably or 169 - and make that your "home base".

BOTTOM LINE:  Be Patient.  Be kind.  Be generous.  And ... be excited.  This production is really unique - and unlike any festival we've ever done.  Get pumped for it and do your part!

I'm really looking forward to bringing this show to a fantastic opening with you all!

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